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Our Aims, Our Vision and Our Mission Statement
As a GP Practice we aim to:
Provide the highest possible standard of communication and interaction with our patients, staff and local community
Assure that all patients, staff and visitors are treated with dinity and respect in meeting their needs
Respond positively to the medical needs of patients within the contraints of the NHS and our contractual obligations
Secure and sustain a safe and clean environment with facilities that meet the needs of patients, staff and the community we serve
To involve and support patients in their own care to help them make decisions to improve their health and that of their families and carers when necessary
Our Vision Statement:
To work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to ensure our patients receive the best possible care, promoting an honest and open culture, with accountability for our actions to support continuous improvement.
Our Mission Statement:
To improve the health and well-being of those we care for through the provision of high quality, safe, responsive general practice services.
Physical Accessibility Statement
The practice is accessible for wheelchair and mobility users via the Main Front Entrances of both buildings, and ramps within the building to all consulting rooms, this includes access to the Pharmacy also.
In 137 Building we have a wheelchair accessible lift for all levels required for patient access.
Both buildings contain wheelchair accessible toilets with handrails as required.
We have a Loop system at Reception - Please ask the receptionist if you require this, and if the clinician you are seeing may need to use this also.
There is disabled parking available on the road a short distance from the surgery
Patient Charter
GPs and Staff Towards Patients
We will provide access to appointments and ensure emergencies can always be accommodated.
We will ensure the patient receives any assistance necessary during their appointment e.g. services of an interpreter (please try to give adequate notice), and advise the patient at the time of checking in of any delay.
We will always treat the patient in a friendly, unhurried and respectful way.
We will provide a comfortable, safe environment in the surgery.
We will explain to the patient if a practice policy is preventing agreement to a request.
We will appreciate the patient's need for confidentiality, both face to face and over the telephone.
We will be prepared to explain, slowly and carefully, any instructions given by a member of staff.
As a very last resort we do have the right to remove patients from our list. We will, however, not do so (except in the case of threatening behaviour) without explaining the reasons for removal and giving due consideration to the process.
Patients Towards GPs And Staff
Whenever you attend the surgery, please check in using the arrivals screen or with reception staff.
At the time of booking your appointment, please inform the reception staff of any special needs, e.g. need for an interpreter, or if you will need an extra long session with your GP.
You will always be seen by a GP on the day you request if your need is medically urgent.
Reception is a very busy area - please be as patient and as understanding as possible.
If you are not called for your appointment within 15 minutes of the alloted time, tell the receptionist and they can update you if the clinician is running behind - please bear in mind, the GP running behind may be because of a complex patient.
If you are feeling increasingly unwell, please tell the receptionist. They can only help if they know.
If you cannot attend a booked appointment - or no longer need it - please notify the surgery in order to avoid wasting valuable time.
The receptionists are following their employers' (the GPs) instructions. If you are unhappy with a particular service they are providing, please ask to speak to the Reception Manager.
If you are not clear on the instructions you have been given by the GP or another staff member, please ask for clarification before leaving the surgery.
Respect other patients' need for a calm atmosphere in the waiting room and try to keep your children under control.
Always give 48 hours' notice of repeat medication requests.
The out-of-hours service is for emergencies only. It is not an extension of your GPs surgery hours.
If there appears to be a problem between the practice and a patient, we will invite you in to talk about this.
Zero Tolerance
The surgery operates a Zero Tolerance Policy
Patients are reminded that the following behaviour is unacceptable and will result in a warning letter from the surgery.
Raised Voice
Derogatory Name / Words
Abusive language or tone
Rude behaviour
Further instances of the above behaviour or any of the following behaviour will result in removal from the practice list either Immediately with a Police Report made, or on an 8 Day Removal.
Physical Threats / Abuse
Racial Abuse
Sexual Harassment